Website and Company Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer: Please read the following information carefully. By accessing and using this website, you agree to the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please exit this website immediately. Use of the website does not provide doctor-patient relationship or any protected relationship whatsoever.

  1. Content not intended as medical or dental advice.

Brilliance Whitening are providing the information on this website (this website’s “Content”) for informational and educational purposes only, and the Content herein is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a licensed and qualified clinician and/or a particular treatment plan. This website is not intended to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services. Nothing herein is intended to convey an offer or undertaking to prevent, diagnose, correct, or treat, in any manner, by any means, method or device, any human disease, illness, pain, wound, fracture, infirmity, defect or abnormal physical or mental condition, injury, deformity or ailment, including the management of pregnancy and parturition. Nothing herein should be construed as rendering a determination of medical necessity or appropriateness of proposed treatment. Every actual medical situation — emergency or non-emergency — is unique to each individual and requires the clinical judgment of a qualified clinician. Should you have any healthcare-related questions, whether about this website’s Content or otherwise, you should contact a licensed and qualified to arrange a consultation. If you think you may be experiencing a medical emergency, you should call a licensed and qualified clinician or 911 immediately.

The material provided is not intended to create, and the receipt of it does not constitute, a dentist-patient relationship. Any email generated from this website may not be secure and is not intended to create, and the receipt of it does not constitute, a dentist/doctor-patient relationship. Email communication is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a licensed dentist.

  1. Accuracy of Content

This website’s Content is provided “as is.” We cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy of this website’s Content, although we make every effort to ensure that it is accurate. This website may include information and other material prepared by persons other than Brilliance Whitening. This website’s Content is provided as a courtesy, and we cannot guarantee that it is completely accurate or error-free. You assume all risk when using this website of any errors in Content.

  1. Third Party Sites

This website contains links to other internet websites and resources not affiliated with Brilliance Whitening (“Third Party Sites”). Additionally, Third Party Sites may contain links to pages on this website. We are not responsible for the availability, updating or accuracy of any information provided on these Third-Party Sites or for the privacy or security of these Third-Party Sites.

  1. Intellectual Property

This website contains Content that is protected by federal and state intellectual property laws (including trademark and copyright laws). Your use of this website does not give you any rights in or to any of the intellectual property contained on this website. Though you may view, download, or print the Content of this website for your own personal use, you may not otherwise use or reproduce the Content without the written consent of Brilliance Whitening.

  1. Miscellaneous

By maintaining this website, we do not intend to establish the “minimum contacts” necessary to subject Brilliance Whitening to the jurisdiction of any court, and your use of this site constitutes your waiver of an argument that Brilliance Whitening has so availed itself of a court’s jurisdiction.